Buds, do I need to preface this with anything? Preface options include:
‘Sorry I haven’t posted in so long. That last post was a doozy and hard to follow!’
‘The world is on fire, hahahaha, why am I even trying to promote anything at this point?’
There are other prefaces I could list, but meh. Choose one of the above!
Anyways, last time that you might have tuned in, I had just fallen off of a speaker and tore up my knee in Ohio. The update there is that I can walk again, and my limp disappeared about 6 weeks ago, but I’m not 100% yet. I’m finally getting an MRI next week, and I am excited to stare at an image of the inside of my knee. We’re back to playing shows (we were back to playing shows 2 weeks after the injury, back when I had to wear a sexy donut hole robot brace) and I am now fully braceless, and I covered my eyes and ears when I watched the scene in ‘Challengers’ when Zendaya cranked her knee playing tennis. The snap sound is too real. I am currently still refraining from jumping off of things and I stare at the platform boots that I wore the night of the accident wearily.

In delightful news my travel medical insurance came through and I was reimbursed for the full FOUR THOUSAND (CAD) DOLLAR EMERGENCY VISIT. That’s right - one x ray, one advil, a 2 minute convo with a doctor, and a pair of crutches cost $4,000 in the old U.S of A. Truly fucking terrifying that T dot Rump wants to take over Canada and invariably eradicate our healthcare.
But anyways, there’s the part about the world being on fire, but shhhhh, I have something to promote! We have a super fun show coming up next week in Toronto! We’re covering one of our favourite albums! LULLABIES TO PARALYZE by QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE. We have a sick lineup of musicians helping us out! A couple of our usual glorious suspects, Vivienne Wilder and Jon Hyde (Jon doesn’t have a website so I’m linking to Jon Hyde the singer from Hocus Pocus because I think Jon Hyde the drummer won't mind), plus Liam Deak from Tumble and The Slow and Easy because this album demands THREE FUCKING GUITARS (at some points). I’ll also be making my piano playing debut on a couple of tunes (not actually my debut if you count my childhood piano recitals and conservatory exams).
You can buy tix HERE.
Ok, back to the world of doomfire. I’ll hopefully be back soon with a scan of my knee!
Yay! - almost back to... well, let's call it normal; as usual, a well-written piece of update. I can't hit your Horseshoe show, but am gathering bodies to assault you both from Table 1 again at the Local this week (this is where I'd usually put a thumbs-up and a smiley face, but I'm trying to cut back on using that crutch). See yous